Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Halo Pro Gaming

Halo Pro Gaming is a halo 3 50 based website designed with the player in mind! We offer Halo 3 50 accounts, boosting, lessons and more. The Halo 3 accounts we sell here are all top notch and we offer the best account for your money. We are professional gamers who aim to help the community. We offer three main services:

Accounts- We offer some of the best accounts out on the market today at some of the lowest prices around. In my opinion our best deal would be our MLG accounts running at $60 USD and our doubles accounts running at $40. We also offer accounts in slayer, lonewolfs, snipers, swat, and squad battle. We also have many multi-50 accounts such as doubles and slayer, or mlg and slayer, etc.

Leveling- We offer account leveling which is the process of recovering your account to our xbox and then acheiveing the rank you desire. Our usual rate is 40 dollars for doubles and usually a little more for the harder playlists. If your account is really close to a 50, let's say 45 or above you can email us at and we can work out a cheaper price. If you do not wish for us to recover your account, we can also work around this although it is not preferred and may be more expensive.

Lessons- Our last main service is halo 3 lessons. With lessons there are many topics to cover. If you are already a very knowledgeable player we can skip basic callouts and teach stratagies on every map and each playlist you wish. If you are brand new and need a full out lesson we can teach you all the MLG call outs and also basic stratagies and setups for all your favorite maps. Our lessons are usually $25 for a half hour lesson and $40 for a one hour lessons, but as a special bonus for reading this blog post if you email saying you want a lesson for cheaper just say this codeword. (RECON) That's right, recon is the code that gets your lessons down to $10 for a half hour lesson and $25 for an hour lesson.

Finally if you are reading this and you already have a 50 you want to get rid of then contact to see how you can get your account featured on the front page and have it sold for you.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to check out the website for your halo 3 50 or your lesson now.